Cost Efficient Lead Generation

Cost Efficient Lead Generation

As.a.Service Cost Efficient Lead Generation

Building a new business is very much dependant on landing new clients. Landing new clients is very much dependant and getting good leads. Acquiring a list of good leads can be expensive so I set out to build a reasonable pipeline using a cost efficient lead generation method.

I thought sharing my methodology would be helpful to MSPs looking to acquire new clients without spending a fortune on a lead generation partner or a business development service. If you found this useful or equally wanted to add to this, I’d love to hear back so please do get in touch.

Step 1 – Define and identify your target client
In my case, I know I can add value to MSPs with an FTE count of 5 to 50 with an annual revenue of sub £5 million p/a.
I also have experience with working with MSPs in New York and Washington D.C. and know the MSP market in London intricately.
Therefore, my target client is:
Any small to medium MSP based in London, New York or Washington D.C.

Step 2 – Work out who to speak to
I know the type of client I want to approach…Now I need to now work out who to approach within the client organisation. Typically, the MSPs I’d like to have a conversation with are privately owned so I’d be looking to speak to the Founder/Owner/CEO or the person in charge of Finances (who would be always looking to reduce overhead and increase margin) or finally the person in charge of Technical Resource/Service Delivery (who would be looking to enhance the service being delivered).

Step 3 – Finding the target clients
I use a good old fashioned Google Search – there’s no super wizzy algorithm or some clever AI. I simply run searches against keywords I know most MSPs use to optimise their sites or use for AdWords.
I then go through each page of the search results and individually visit each site to quickly understand a little bit about the business so I can:

  1. Make sure the MSP fits the profile I have defined in step 1
  2. I do not spend time and effort trying to reach MSPs where I can’t provide any value. Engaging with that MSP is a time waste for both of us.
    I carefully curate the results to select MSPs only where I know I can add value.

Step 4 – Contacting the target clients
Using the chrome extension, I can a view a list of employees with an online presence which allows me to build a list of the people I’d like to speak to within the organisation.
I then import that list into SendGrid and send out a “first contact email” which explains what I do and the value I can add.
I then follow that email up with another email to determine if there is a synergy possible and if there is, I proceed to book in a call or meeting.
SendGrid allows me to view engagement on the “first contact email” and, just as important, allows recipients the option of opting out of receiving any more contact from me.

It’s not the slickest process but for me it functions a nice cost efficient lead generation method. If you found this helpful and would like to have chat, feel free to speak to us (we’re not a lead generation business but we’re always up for a good chat).